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from solar_crypto.transactions.builder.transfer import Transfer

The transaction object used for this section:

tx = {
    'amount': int,
    'asset': dict,
    'fee': int,
    'id': str,
    'network': int,
    'recipientId': str,
    'secondSignature': str,
    'senderPublicKey': str,
    'signature': str,
    'signatures': list,
    'signSignature': str,
    'nonce': int,
    'type': int,
    'typeGroup': int,
    'memo': str,
    'version': int,
    'lockTransactionId': str,
    'lockSecret': str,
    'expiration': int,


A transaction is an object specifying the transfer of funds from the sender's wallet to the recipient's. Each transaction must be signed by the sender's private key to prove authenticity and origin. After broadcasting through the client SDK, a transaction is permanently incorporated in the blockchain by a Delegate Node.


The crypto SDK can sign a transaction using your private key or passphrase (from which the private key is generated). Ensure you are familiar with digital signatures before using the crypto SDKs.

For serialising and deserialising, we must require the Transaction model:

from solar_crypto.transactions.transaction import Transaction

# Serialising
transaction = Transaction(**tx)

# Deserialising
transaction = Transaction()

Using the Transaction builder class.

transaction = Transfer(recipientId=str, amount=int)


Serialisation of a transaction object ensures it is compact and properly formatted to be incorporated in the SXP blockchain. If you are using the crypto SDK in combination with the public API SDK, you should not need to serialise manually.

from solar_crypto.transactions.serialiser import Serialiser

serialised_transaction = Serialiser(tx).serialise()

>>> <class 'str'>


A serialised transaction may be deserialised for inspection purposes. The public API does not return serialised transactions, so you should only need to deserialise in exceptional circumstances.

from solar_crypto.transactions.deserialiser import Deserialiser

transaction_data = Deserialiser(serialised_data).deserialise()

>>> <class 'solar_crypto.transactions.transaction.Transaction'>


The crypto SDK not only supports transactions but can also work with other arbitrary data (expressed as strings).


Signing a string works much like signing a transaction: in most implementations, the message is hashed, and the resulting hash is signed using the private key or passphrase.

from solar_crypto.utils.message import Message

message = Message.sign(string, 'validSeedPass')

>>> <class 'solar_crypto.utils.message.Message'>


A message's signature can easily be verified by hash, without the private key that signed the message, by using the verify method.

from solar_crypto.utils.message import Message

message = Message(


>>> <class 'bool'>


The identities class allows for the creation and inspection of keyPairs from passphrases. Here you find vital functions when creating transactions and managing wallets.

Derive the address from a passphrase

from solar_crypto.identity.address import address_from_passphrase


>>> <class 'str'>

Derive the address from a public key

from solar_crypto.identity.address import address_from_public_key


>>> <class 'str'>

Derive the address from a private key

from solar_crypto.identity.address import address_from_private_key


>>> <class 'str'>

Validate an address

from solar_crypto.identity.address import validate_address


>>> <class 'bool'>

Private Key

As the name implies, private keys and passphrases are to remain private. Never store these unencrypted and minimise access to these secrets

Derive the private key from a passphrase

from solar_crypto.identity.private_key import PrivateKey

private_key = PrivateKey.from_passphrase('validSeedPass').to_hex()

>>> <class 'str'>

Derive the private key instance object from a hexadecimal encoded string

from solar_crypto.identity.private_key import PrivateKey

private_key = PrivateKey.from_hex(str)

>>> <class 'solar_crypto.identity.private_key.PrivateKey'>

Derive the private key from a wif

This function has not been implemented in this client library.

Public Key

Public Keys may be freely shared, and are included in transaction objects to validate the authenticity.

Derive the public key from a passphrase

from solar_crypto.identity.public_key import PublicKey

public_key = PublicKey.from_passphrase('this is a top secret passphrase')

>>> <class 'str'>

Derive the public key instance object from a hexadecimal encoded string

from solar_crypto.identity.public_key import PublicKey

public_key = PublicKey.from_hex(str)

>>> <class 'solar_crypto.identity.public_key.PublicKey'>

Validate a public key

This function has not been implemented in this client library.


The WIF should remain secret, just like your passphrase and private key.

Derive the wif from a passphrase

from solar_crypto.identity.wif import wif_from_passphrase

wif = wif_from_passphrase('validSeedPass')

>>> <class 'str'>