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  1. Fork the package.
  2. Clone your forked repository.
git clone<githubusername>/python-client
  1. Next, move into the fresh cloned directory.
cd python-client
  1. The next step would be to create something like a virtual environment to ensure no name clashes occur.
  1. Create and enter the virtual environment
   # With virtualenv (on Unix and OSx)
   mkdir my-amazing-solar-project
   cd my-amazing-solar-project
   virtualenv virtualEnvName
   source venv/bin/activate

   # With virtualenv (on Windows)
   mkdir my-amazing-solar-project
   cd my-amazing-solar-project
   virtualenv virtualEnvName
  1. Once inside the virtualenv, you can proceed to install dependencies.
python -m pip install -e ."[dev]"
  1. Dependencies are now installed, you can now run the tests to see if everything is running as it should.