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Exchanges API Guide

Explore Solar Core's interactive REST API documentation here: Solar Core API Endpoints

Connecting to the Public API is done via the Crypto and Client SDKs. Many queries can be performed using the Client SDK alone, while the Crypto SDK performs any actions requiring cryptographic functionality (i.e., signing transactions).

At a surface level, the two SDKs are separated by their functions and intended use cases:

  • The Crypto SDK provides the cryptographic functions necessary to verify and validate Solar transactions.
  • The Client SDK provides wrapper functions to unify and streamline API calls between your application and the Solar blockchain.

Put another way, the Crypto SDK structures your data in a format that all Solar nodes can understand, while the Client SDK handles the actual communication between your application and a Solar node. Where the Crypto SDK is internal, the Client SDK is external, as the below diagram illustrates:



The Public API is only available after a node has fully synced. This ensures your data on the blockchain is up to date.


These quick actions will all assume you've loaded a Client instance with the IP address of your node and the API version you're requesting.

import { Connection } from "@solar-network/client";
const client = new Connection("");


Use for the Solar Network mainnet.

You can also use the IP address and port of any Core node that has the Public API enabled (e.g.,

Check wallet balance

Checking a wallet balance involves using the wallets resource to GET the wallet corresponding to a given Solar address.

const wallet = await client.api("wallets").get("D61mfSggzbvQgTUe6JhYKH2doHaqJ3Dyib");


Find block information

If you know the ID of the block you are looking for, you can use the GET method on the blocks resource to return information on that block.

const block = await client.api("blocks").get("405899a308c07aee8a7b4fb807d03ca4454ee5ba295365b302e30683c5c01be5");


Alternatively, if you are not sure of the block ID, or if you want to find all blocks in a range, you can make use of the blocks all method. This endpoint accepts a JSON object representing the search parameters to use when narrowing down a list of blocks.

The following block properties can be used to create your range:

  • timestamp
  • height
  • numberOfTransactions
  • totalAmount
  • totalFee
  • reward
  • payloadLength

To use any of these properties as a range, include the relevant key in your request as an object containing from and to specifiers.

For example, this code can be used to search all blocks between blockchain heights 720 and 735 with total fees between 0 and 2000 satoshi:

const blocks = await client.api("blocks").all({
    height: {
      from: 500000,
      to: 800000
    totalFee: {
      from: 0,
      to: 2000

  console.log(blocks); // all blocks matching the search criteria

Create and broadcast transactions

To create transactions, make use of the transactionBuilder module of @solar-network/crypto. First, install the package from pnpm or equivalent:

pnpm install @solar-network/crypto

The crypto package functionality we'll use here is the transactionBuilder, which provides a series of "chainable" methods that can be called, one after another, to produce a transaction object. These methods create and define your transaction: its type, its amount in satoshi, its signature, and more.

Regardless of which SDK you use, every transactionBuilder contains a similar function to getStruct, which will return a completed transaction object.

After making one or more of these transaction objects, you can combine them into an array to use as the transactions key in your request.

With all the steps together, here is an example of how to send a transaction for approval:

import { Transactions, Managers, Utils } from "@solar-network/crypto";
import { Connection } from "@solar-network/client";

// Configure our API client
const client = new Connection("");

// Set the network configuration

(async () => {
    // Step 1: Retrieve the incremental nonce of the sender wallet
    const senderWallet = await client.api("wallets").get("YOUR_SENDER_WALLET_ADDRESS");
    const senderNonce = Utils.BigNumber.make(;

    // Step 2: Create the transaction
    const transaction = Transactions.BuilderFactory.transfer()
        .memo("This is an example memo") // memo is optional
        .addTransfer("Address of Recipient Wallet 1","100000000") // 1 tSXP
        .addTransfer("Address of Recipient Wallet 2","200000000") // 2 tSXP
        .addTransfer("Address of Recipient Wallet 3","300000000") // 3 tSXP
        .sign("this is a top secret passphrase");

    // Step 4: Broadcast the transaction
    const broadcastResponse = await client.api("transactions").create({ transactions: [] });

    // Step 5: Log the response
    console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 4))

When sending your request using the client, ensure that the value of transactions is an array, even if you have only one transaction object.

If your request is successful, you will receive a response with the following data key:

  data: {
      accept: [ '96e3952b66a370d8145055b55cedc6f1435b3a71cb17334aa954f8844ad1202f' ],
      broadcast: [ '96e3952b66a370d8145055b55cedc6f1435b3a71cb17334aa954f8844ad1202f' ],
      excess: [],
      invalid: []
  errors: null

Let us look at the returned data object in more depth. It is composed of four arrays, each holding zero or more transaction IDs:

  1. accept - a list of all accepted transactions
  2. broadcast - a list of all transactions broadcast to the network
  3. excess - if the node's pool is full, this lists all excess transactions
  4. invalid - a list of all transactions deemed invalid by the node

Our sample code above submitted one transaction, which the node accepted and broadcast and thus the accept and broadcast arrays contain precisely one item each: the ID of the transaction we submitted.

If we had submitted any invalid transactions, the invalid list would have contained their IDs, and the errors key would have been populated with one error per invalid transaction.

The diagram below offers a top-level overview of the transaction submission process:

Transaction Flow

Check transaction confirmations

Once a transaction has been created and added to the blockchain, you can access the number of confirmations it has by using the transactions resource to get the value matching the transaction ID.

const transaction = await client.api("transactions").get("5ad7a65e68ac24821f90504202cb464fb845faa53736f16b94f6756a2dc2bea3");


If the transaction has been added to the blockchain, you'll receive the following data structure in your console:

  "data": {
    "id": "5ad7a65e68ac24821f90504202cb464fb845faa53736f16b94f6756a2dc2bea3",
    "blockHeight": 1509707,
    "blockId": "2d17c1ee22b01534de020d6e882ec23d8a66142619b35e447c69696a1191fe27",
    "version": 3,
    "type": 6,
    "typeGroup": 1,
    "amount": "1918575037",
    "fee": "5174942",
    "burnedFee": "4657447",
    "sender": "D6nqkGkzyxWhqTvA1txgABHWexh4UMr8ff",
    "senderPublicKey": "03aebd4e0ea4b0eb3ad5ce7870af32e709fcf4d65ed9c9cb383aea83c687e1e1fb",
    "signature": "05b3652cf407261636a74e71c3d01c4e3bd09e5ec13fd54ff598319ae70d2fa0a915c5a318d6439c90df27aa18b6d844e9bc906636fb2b4da17f959469cf5aa7",
    "memo": "friendsoflittleyus - Daily payout - thank you for your support",
    "asset": {
      "transfers": [
          "amount": "264150058",
          "recipientId": "DM5jxyfM2kj5LGT3sXaD5P2bpQJW56XnBq"
          "amount": "269325000",
          "recipientId": "DJ5JdUocNY6MxfcPBzKAoUo2k4JUACFrQA"
          "amount": "38475000",
          "recipientId": "DGymbo8YN2RJoa72ZJTkLfZTrh7LCTwFnx"
          "amount": "1097266704",
          "recipientId": "D646b6dx3sW5NAgMDTKAZ2hdC57K1BeRaK"
          "amount": "124825386",
          "recipientId": "DAWwtPkrCZ6kPKfuBfNMkXVZFcTu72QmNU"
          "amount": "89640155",
          "recipientId": "DM5jxyfM2kj5LGT3sXaD5P2bpQJW56XnBq"
          "amount": "24416295",
          "recipientId": "DJ5JdUocNY6MxfcPBzKAoUo2k4JUACFrQA"
          "amount": "10016614",
          "recipientId": "DEz9aPVTXCYPManZHSKL7zqkMn7hUVusGe"
          "amount": "350460",
          "recipientId": "DNd2nfU6FWs1CJdbDyWbm6nPAXZcSexGKL"
          "amount": "39498",
          "recipientId": "DEnWWJsWCvqfoTghim9PZgUMJZ2CaPEe7M"
          "amount": "26664",
          "recipientId": "DGpcLotbiUsQpXoD5m7MbhjVdspRgd6nuX"
          "amount": "26646",
          "recipientId": "DUALogApuf5Md38x5yv2uqVe4HoWzy2U1p"
          "amount": "5334",
          "recipientId": "DHm3eCeBWKdPwAc6JFUZoArLkrnTd1pnQz"
          "amount": "5325",
          "recipientId": "DL15Z3K8k2TCoqKPB8TZjTv89ApvDPoUZd"
          "amount": "2697",
          "recipientId": "DGSzda5FfkQDPUmFrM4Xodty2LWnamTpCk"
          "amount": "2670",
          "recipientId": "DEAH8FiXrxfGaoHE7PEHtgz8rxzpqRQMGT"
          "amount": "531",
          "recipientId": "DQYiSMyoftk7KibjtaD2ppUe1KnxF4MvCT"
    "confirmations": 189,
    "timestamp": {
      "epoch": 12258008,
      "unix": 1670598008,
      "human": "2022-12-09T15:00:08.000Z"
    "nonce": "6168"

You can see that the confirmations key holds the number of confirmations this transaction has received from the network, in the above case 0. As the average block takes 8 seconds to forge, finality is typically established within a minute following a transaction's addition to the blockchain.

Listening for transactions

it is possible to retrieve all transactions of a wallet given its address and, optionally, add filters.

// Getting all transaction of a wallet sent after height 1000000
const transactions = await client.api("wallets").transactions("D61mfSggzbvQgTUe6JhYKH2doHaqJ3Dyib", {blockHeight: {from: 1000000}});



Transfer transactions can be either LegacyTransfer (typegroup 1, type 0) or Transfer (typegroup 1, type 6). When listening for incoming transactions, it is essential to monitor for both of these types of transfer.

Check node status

Checking node status can be done by using the node resource's status method:

const status = await client.api("node").status();

By running this code, you'd see the output in your console resembling the following object:

  "data": {
    "synced": true,       // whether this node is fully synchronised with the network
    "now": 1509905,       // the current network height of this node's blockchain
    "blocksCount": 0,     // if not synced, the number of blocks yet to be synced
    "timestamp": 12259598 // the node's current network (epoch) time

If synced is true, your node is operating as expected and fully synced with the Solar network. Otherwise, use the blocksCount key to get an estimation of how long your node will take to sync.