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This page contains the latest Type 6 Transfer

Type 0 Transfers are deprecated

  • Type 0 Transfers will not be accepted on the Solar Network mainnet starting at height 5,000,000* ❌
  • Type 6 Transfers should be used from now on ✅

  *exchanges should continue to detect and accept legacy (type 0) transfers for the time being

TypeGroup Type
1 6

A transfer allows one or multiple payments (sending SXP coins from one SXP wallet to another) to be combined and broadcast to the network as a single transaction. This benefits the end user and delegates by lowering transaction fees per payment and reducing congestion. Solar Core allows up to 256 payments to be combined within a single transaction.

All Solar transactions contain a special data field of 255 bytes known as the 'Memo'. This data field allows raw data, code, or plain text to be stored on the blockchain. The Memo is optional, public, and immutable.

API Endpoints Link
AJV Schema Base | Transfer


    "version": 3,
    "network": 63,
    "type": 6,
    "nonce": "8",
    "senderPublicKey": "034151a3ec46b5670a682b0a63394f863587d1bc97483b1b6c70eb58e7f0aed192",
    "fee": "50000000",
    "amount": "0",
    "asset": {
        "transfers": [
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SNAgA2XCRZDKfm5Vu9h4KR1bZw5xn9EiC3" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SjHT1fxVsW75eaQUPN4U2SEgFVU8ZqSVgk" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SVzKH9r6u8UGcd2Ki7tAzQtB5Pa6FRn4GA" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SVhLL7NR8WhkKRfYDzSmGxUH4Gg5k3uis7" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SeznGToSzxw7maHDWXD2eRoTBSS2BmK8nU" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SfVFPA5e2JYcgJeUmVBEsFCYCWpt5xkZ5o" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SQEDRvC79Tqqmv85FrnqG4AxAxFoYPADCa" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SX87pA6bJdQQf57JnUUkzVJxZ2n9jxDgeN" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SMMJgffKfvtERv3d4MFeypAg53UcxJ9dE1" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SefdTc8Sjx5pqSUu3TpfjFw6epyPYWoooQ" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SSB1coESUy1GHsXjxd1Qzw5e1HqMUNQzRG" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SNtHvv7fr23EcKHkXeSwCYz6w2ZLaT7y9y" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SUogQH6n5EjwFnXwDapkJ1jri13Hrj1Ppz" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SY4RAvsUTZ5q9PR9Df28vguH6LfRFrgB3a" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SPZynxFxAtSBVKQWQW8LQPtrt87CBqpn7i" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "Sj6YjvZYDH4xh8HsRiYzWLBpeAkx65Nc1W" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SX3XMHrMSbXLLNGcRVbMBy4WgQbS3MZzWV" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SYqJcLu2wWYHDYvSomgsDPtnteCVhpNCTQ" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "Sa1v9xUZaniWKiCGzEV7qYXt1pW3G3XJbi" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SQVwXdWCqouKWQhaAJMsNieZmjE3GLYYiz" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SR1ZhBPLnSvrq3SQt8zeqBshemiudGb9fe" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "Sd1beR5X9pKKEYSxYWc7XXozC52y8QGJSt" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SScQEYdkr5mPGD9uwFrdk15KjyKAfwHZFc" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SRMhbyiuDa14kQKE7g8NB9jrBE8Jh9NwPv" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SUwp9puY8x9GYbvq8X4eYE5UjQxCgmNJMJ" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "ShomZcGU7c15EUXTUAfZB2QHw17UsHxxyf" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "ScCTPEwY4Bz2cTJJxL4Fy388zRTrAKmV8m" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "ShqpcENQP4gSqRcrC1oqAzSiNscvutyQ3B" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SjcaXuPypJxUv8qg4z7SaAry9ipqkVZsV2" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SZk35koLSrjSetXda5toYEhNNv3GNbosDN" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SVBBoMW8u2TiH4C59yi5wxk5mis81NJupL" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SgZEJxkDxfDSWP38QjkDkAf9uQLwb4XL8N" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SgE9Mqj1ZX9ziL9bJUUaRXzwNibEocJm5s" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SYkqTvG2n54Fbg1hAiZDeK33DYwCYZWcuC" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SjUcnukBRT6qxLRbbyrsQxVjbMdVLYRi5a" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SNSmzTzFPmzSmaKgcDj32nz7aJp1dJqJ5a" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SRdLAGYYk8HVeL3iJxRmYxZ9qvGUdRBiub" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SQf1Dpta8b94FYjKDBu2dfFF4EdUfLMnoU" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "Si5KNcn97V6TZYH1ccZZpyMvCJZmKuLEzv" },
            { "amount": "1", "recipientId": "SfxX8nJVJ5rUbAXPVgFMXhpEbXXp1P3aWc" }




Key Pos. Size
Header: [0] 1 0xff
Version: [1] 1 0x03
Network: [2] 1 0x3f
TypeGroup: [3] 4 0x01000000
Type: [7] 2 0x0600
Nonce: [9] 8 0x0800000000000000
SenderPublicKey: [17] 33 0x034151a3ec46b5670a682b0a63394f863587d1bc97483b1b6c70eb58e7f0aed192
Fee: [50] 8 0x80f0fa0200000000
Memo Length: [58] 1 0x00
Number of Transfers: [59] 2 0x2800
Amount 1: [61] 8 0x0100000000000000
Recipient 1: [69] 21 0x3f0995750207ecaf0ccf251c1265b92ad84f553662
............ .... .. ..................
Amount 40: [1192] 8 0x0100000000000000
Recipient 40: [1200] 21 0x3fccbb32ea36fad927cb2c46cbc63930db6cda829d

Migrating from legacy (Type 0) Transfers

The biggest change from legacy (Type 0) Transfers to the new Type 6 Transfer is the ability to send to as many as 256 recipients in a single transaction. This not only makes sending to multiple recipients easier and more intuitive, this also helps minimise filling up the Solar blockchain with unnecessary bloat.

The steps needed to utilise the new Type 6 Transfer will depend heavily on what SDK you use and how your code is implementated, but it will generally require very few changes.


The code below demonstrates the changes that are neccessary when using the Solar TypeScript Crypto SDK:

-        .recipientId("Address of Recipient")
-        .amount(100000000)
+        .addTransfer("Address of Recipient 1", 100000000)


See the full SDK examples of sending a Type 6 Transfer at the following links:

Make sure you are also using the latest SDK releases